The Grounders

The Grounders or Outsiders is a term used to describe a person who was born on Earth rather than in space or Mount Weather. The Grounders alive today are descendants of humans who survived the Nuclear Apocalypse 97 years ago. Many of the Sky People have negative views toward Grounders, just like a lot of Grounders have a negative view of the Sky People. They were the primary antagonists of the first season. The Grounders maintain a hostile relationship toward the Reapers, Mountain Men, and Sky People. When the Delinquents first landed in their territory and burned a village to the ground, they retaliated and a conflict broke out. The Sky People, however, continued to seek peace with them. ot much is known about their history on Earth other than them being descendants of radiation-tolerant humans and doomsday preppers who survived the nuclear apocalypse 97 years ago.