The Commander

Lexa was a recurring character in the second and third seasons. As the Commander of the 12 Clans, Lexa was the reason the twelve clans united to fight against Mount Weather and without her, the Coalition would fail.Lexa sent Tristan to take over from Anya during The Trikru-Delinquent Conflict. After the rest of The Ark lands, Lexa had put out a bounty for all Sky People and Thelonious Jaha was taken captive. After the massacre in Tondc, Lexa released Jaha and demanded the rest of the Sky People flee or die. When Clarke Griffin offered a way to save both of their people from Mount Weather,Lexa reconsidered and only demanded Finn Collin’s death instead in compensation for the massacre. Lexa and Clarke soon started working hard together to form an alliance and free their people from Mount Weather. They came up with a plan to take down Mount Weather’s defenses and invade the Mountain. Carl Emerson approached Lexa and offered a deal from Cage Wallace to free all of Lexa’s people if she left and they never encroached upon the Mountain again. Lexa took the deal, saving her people but leaving behind Clarke and the rest of the Sky People. At the beginning of the Season Three, Lexa had Clarke brought to her. Clarke agreed to forgive her and they became allies again and later lovers. Mid-season, Lexa was accidentally killed by Titus, but continued to exist through the Flame. At the end of the season, Clarke used the Flame and, with Lexa’s help, terminated A.L.I.E.
Lexa played an important role in uniting the 12 Grounder Clans and forming the Coalition and became the first Commander of the 12 Clans

“Blood must have blood” – Lexa Heda