
The Azgeda, or Ice Nation, was a Grounder clan that was ruled as a kingdom, with no current leader. Known previous leaders were King Theo, Queen Nia, and King Roan. Trikru and Azgeda were at war with each other before the creation of the Coalition. Lexa tells Clarke Griffin how the Queen of the Ice Nation killed her former lover, Costia because she believed that Costia knew all of Lexa’s secrets. In retaliation, Lexa banished Prince Roan as part of the conditions of allowing the Ice Nation into the Coalition. The Ice Nation stretches for a thousand miles. The Ice Nation borders Trikru territory at Sector 8, but the ice is farther to the north.After the Final Conclave and the death of King Roan, Azgeda was merged with other clans into Wonkru, with only 100 Azgeda survivors.